Reflection: Leadership Is A Approach To Being An Office Manager

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Leadership is not a position or a title it is action and example. In this Reflection, I will write about course topic, Leadership examples and me as a leadership. In course topic, I turn to what was the most interesting topic to me, which topic I find it difficult and which topic I find it useful for the future. In the Leadership examples, I turn to the most interesting thing I learned about a famous leader. The most important thing that great leaders all have in common, and I describe one famous leader’s approach to leading. In me as a leadership, I turn to what did I learn about being a leader from doing the classroom activities. What I will do is I was given a job as an office manager after graduating and if I would like …show more content…

While I was studying this course, it provides me with a high standard of leadership information that can help me to be an office manager also a good leader. I think contingency theory, Skills Approach and Culture and Leadership is important to be a good office manager. I believe that office manager needs to have lots of tools so that they can be ready for any situation or to be adaptable. Also, office manager needs to have the conceptual and the human skill to let them work with idea and people. They need to have the problem-solving skill, social judgment skill and knowledge also to be intelligence and motivation. Moreover, Culture and Leadership is essential for any office manager because most of the organizations are seeking to have employees from different cultures to share their experiences and knowledge at work. However, if office manager doesn't have the cultural skills, especially in an organization that has significant differences in ethnicity, belief, society, and gender. That will inevitably lead to adverse effects for both the company and its employees such as communication barriers, which will increase the stress among

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