Pros And Cons Of Coping Essay

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Ability to withstand/overcome something
Bounce back, try again
Recover/reclaim/restore order amidst the apparent disorder
Persist/persevere through adversity

Wellness and health

Family, religion, rituals, coping mechanisms.
Negative effects on health -> stressors!!!! Life changes & strains, catastrophic events acute/chronic stressors, daily hassles (amplified) gill
Strategies that improve this (mediators/buffers -> cognitive appraisal, predictability, control, coping methods and resources/social support [knowing your family/friends/medical staff will be there for you and want the best for you]) one's belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. One's sense of self-efficacy can play a major …show more content…

For example, personal and group debriefing sessions are available to paramedics in Australia. Provided for those personnel who were left feeling uneasy or traumatised after attending an accident or disaster. Though some may have been able to cope perfectly fine due to their own methods of coping, they may still attend such group sessions to show solidarity and support for their team members. This effectively builds resilience within the healthcare sector which can ultimately lead to improved productivity and unification in practice (Williams & Keep, 2012).

pick a factor and narrow in on it so it's different to talk about? Like social support, coping methods, Locus of control for either the patient or healthcare
- the concept of resilience
- violent patients and trauma building resilience in healthcare : coping
- building resilience in patient : social support, economical status
- breaking in patient : diagnosis, confusion

So you basically analyse a factor for building and breaking and find some scientist or smarty bum online or in a book to support

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