2 Explain How Dementia May Influence An Individual's Ability To Communicate And Interact

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1.1 explain how dementia may influence an individual’s ability to communicate and interact Effects of memory loss on communication,forgetting words, use of incorrect words, failure to recognise people known to them;reduced awareness of needs of others; loss of selfconfidence. 1.2 identify other factors that may influence an individual’s ability to communicate and interact Effects of medical problems e.g. results of strokes, Parkinson’s disease; effects of physiological changes e.g.constriction of cerebral circulation; degenerationof brain cells; aphasia,agnosia; mental health issues; inappropriate responses from others;fear of abuse. 1.3 outline how memory impairment may affect the ability of an individual with dementia to …show more content…

3.1 explain how understanding an individual’s biography/ history can facilitate positive interactions Reference to memories and reminiscence, focus on likes and avoid dislikes, know which topics to avoid; use of individualised activities which linkto the individual's background and life story; use group activities which link to the individual’s life story, their home, career, culture, background. 3.2 list different techniques that can be used to facilitate positive interactions with an individual with dementia Use non-verbal communication such as gesture, facial expression and written communication wherever possible; use pictures, symbols or music to support communication and understanding; not finishing an individual’s sentence unless asked to :avoid negative statements; take care with tone of voice and body language ; be aware of any hearing , visual or second language difficulties; use listening skills to interpret intended meaning 3.3 explain how involving others may enhance interaction with an individual with dementia Others who have a good relationship /rapport with the individual e.g. care workers, colleagues, managers, social

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