Persuasive Essay About Cyberbullying

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Ive got shot on the internet

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Even though kids say that they are fine when cyberbullying occurs most of the time they are feeling bad. Why should you trust me ? Well…. you don't have to but if you trust me you can make difference we can help the kids who think cyberbullying is a freedom of speech this could benefit us and the world that kids who cyberbullying should know the difference between freedom of speech and cyberbullying. Cyber bullying is not a way to express freedom of speech . Kids who cyberbully think it's cool and humorous. This connects to my thesis because nowadays kids take it as a joke and sometimes say that their being honest like. For example they call a student ugly and that person who said it might say i'm being honest she or he really ugly see since the technology is more advance us kids know more and do whatever we want. According to Stop Cyberbullying Campaign its states “Who knows why kids do anything? When it comes to cyberbullying, they are often motivated by anger, revenge or frustration. Sometimes they do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many tech toys available to them. Many do it for laughs or to get a reaction” (source 1) As you can read kids who cyber bullying thinks its a joke, …show more content…

This connects to my thesis because in many case there are kids that need to go to psychology for cyber bully and it also affects their life style. there's many kids who need to go to psychology.Cyberbullying is a mental trauma because you being cruel to somebody and it has a big effect. According to source 1 it states “"This is noteworthy, but nevertheless unsurprising," says psychologist Thormod Idsøe from the University of Stavanger (UiS) and Bergen's Center for Crisis Psychology. "Bullying is defined as long-term physical or mental violence by an individual or group.” When kids are cyberbullying they cause a big impact to the

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