We Need to Pay Attention to Bullying and Cyber Bullying

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Violated. Trapped. Afraid. These are the feelings of young victims of cyber bullying. Bullying has metamorphosed into so much more than face-to-face interactions. Now, children cannot escape the torture when they leave social situations. The torment follows them home and has transformed into words laced with hatred and animosity. Behind computer screens, the oppressors may remain anonymous, creating fear of the unknown. Unnamed and unidentified, these online bullies can instill terror in the hearts of those being harassed. These types of bullies, via the Internet, tyrannize children that choose to remain indifferent, children who do not have the desire or will to fight back against them. These children that suffer severe bullying not only have to deal with a cruel social hierarchy in public, but now they are assaulted over any type of online media in the comfort of their own home. The Internet allows anonymity, and has led to a brutal breeding ground for cyber bullies to attack whomever they choose. With the increasing dependence and use of technology all over the world, cyber bullying is becoming a more important issue than it ever was before. The physical abuse that used to happen in the halls and on the playgrounds is no more. Time has changed bullying into a twenty-four hour, seven day a week, occurrence. The pain these children are suffering, from being bullied over the web, is not something you can put an ice pack over. The psychological hurting is what gets to them. The agony these children endure is just as real, and may be even more excruciating to bear. With cyber bullying becoming a sweeping problem for children, there needs to be a solution. Adults, educators, legislators, and even children need to prevent this type o... ... middle of paper ... ...y must understand that sometimes someone with more power than them should help address the problem. By educating children on standing up to cyber bullying, they can help to prevent cyber bullying all on their own. In conclusion, cyber bullying is a problem that is growing exponentially with the expansion of today’s technology. In order to stop the hatred thrown onto children through the Internet, preventative strategies need to be put in place. Too many children are being worn down mentally and emotionally due to being bullying anonymously on social media, through texts, and over email messages. Ignoring this problem can not continue. There are so many promising preventative routes to take when approaching cyber bullying. More people need to be educated and aware of the prevention methods available to them, because the varieties of prevention methods are endless.

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