Personal Perseverance And Social Justice

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Two key elements that underline my academic career are personal perseverance and social justice. My vision and compassion for children led to my Bachelors in Psychology and minor in Childhood Studies. I was compelled to make a difference in the lives of children and found opportunities to accomplish these goals within the nonprofit sector. During this journey, I came across large populations that were subjected to individual and social hardships. As an immigrant, and a child of parents who have experienced similar poverty and hardship, I am excruciatingly familiar with the feeling of helplessness brought on by the lack of access to basic needs. I have committed my life and work to eradicate in children. I am inspired and determined to help …show more content…

This effort led me to my internship at Centro de Apoyo Integral Carcelario y Comunitario (CAICC) in Bolivia where I worked as an Educator and Counselor. I supported children that resided with their incarcerated parents, who were victims of abuse and neglect. By providing counseling, life skills, recreational time, and emotional support to children who lacked pivotal ecological networks, I was able to help build fundamental skills and positive social relationships for the children, while developing my own direct service skills. After CAICC, I worked at FACETS as a Case Manager and Program Coordinator, part of the Educational Community Development Team. At FACETS, I supervised a community center at the largest public housing complex in Fairfax County. I collaborated with Fairfax County Public Schools and local agencies to find the best methods and resources to tailor services to each child. I built positive relationships with 30-40 students, ranging from K-12 and obtained their grades and progress notes in order to develop a clear understanding of their specific needs. This allowed me to recognize individual areas of difficulty and strategically plan programs for academic improvement; such as after-school activities, summer programs, and events, as well as connecting students with tutors and …show more content…

The many children that I work with come from unstable homes and frequently exhibit negative behavior and poor academic performance. I wish to use my skills in aiding these children so regardless of their living situation they know that there is someone in their corner supporting and preparing them for the next stages in life. It is my goal to facilitate preventative measures and coordinate services to encourage and improve the social and psychological performance in students, and ultimately promote constructive life

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