Personal Narrative: My Life As A Young Black Girl

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Throughout my life as a young black girl I have suffered an incredible amount of discrimination and micro-aggressive occasions that have made me at one point second guess my worth. As the result of growing up in a predominately white neighborhood I always felt as if I was prisoner in a world that did not want to see me reach my full potential. I was constantly bullied because I did not fit the normal Eurocentric beauty standards, constantly questioned in disbelief because my hair was too long to be real, and mocked on how dark my skin was. At that age I realized that something was different. In life I would have to work ten times harder than anyone else because of the color of my skin and I was undaunted by this realization.I vowed to devote my life to my education to make a difference land …show more content…

I have pushed myself especially hard to fight the stereotypes and become more than just a color. I eventually plan to continue my education at Rutgers University Business School and receive my degree in Marketing. While additionally receiving a Masters Degree in Business Administration Marketing at Fordham University. Eventually becoming a successfully black business woman working in a fortune 500 company in New York City eventually being promoted to a directorial job position. My career goals and aspirations will inspire other people of color in my community to push themselves hard and make education a top priority. They will understand by my accomplishments that in order to make a difference in the world you have to be the difference. As people of color our road to success is much harder than others but remembering that as long as you passionately put your mind to something you truly care about; you shall succeed. My aspirations in life will reassure people of color that they are fully capable of reaching their full potential because I myself did it

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