Personal Narrative: Education Vs. Devastation

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Education vs Devastation Growing up I had a problem with staying still, and so did my mind. Physically I felt the need to always be moving forward. I was a heavy set kid but I never stopped moving unless a television was on or I was sleeping. As for my brain it was a never ending road of thought. A train of thought stays on one track. A road of thought has stop signs, roundabout, street lights, yield signs, granny x-ing, intersections, exits, dead ends, and etc.… My first few years of school I struggled with math the most. I remember losing games in class because I knew the answer but couldn’t get my thought out my mouth in in time. Me not being able to focus on one thing at a time also interferes with things like my speech and motor …show more content…

At this moment I was not in fear nor panic but the entire class watching me forcefully challenge this girl to a first name writing contest. My brain couldn 't handle everything that was going on after the teacher said go. This is where things get interesting. For me when thoughts and things run alot faster in my head than my muscle and body can comprehend.Well my brain finished about four or three letters before me and samantha 's hands. So as I was saying, the race started and I wrote the letter R. After thinking about how i could write the letter as neat and fast enough to flow into the lower case a. As I write the a I look back at my R in disgust yet still moving on to the s. In the transition from the a to the s, I didn’t just stare back in disgust of the R, I begin to question the situation I 'm in. Still trying to race a girl in a first name writing contest I find myself mind and my muscle movements separate from one another. My hand slows down at the letter h but my mind races and spins through the room without my eyes even looking up. Hearing the the voices I assume I gave my mind an idea of facial expressions and audience placement. At the end of the long line of my classmates, I hear my teacher not saying a word but …show more content…

In result I 'm a slow learner in my director 's eyes. English and writing classes have always been interesting to me I like to write but I have the worst time staying focus. Of course in sixth grade writhing was made up of mostly free writes on given prompts and english consisted of knowing how to spell and knowing where to put periods capital letters and commas. As English and writing got harder English began to become less about free writes. In a free write you can almost just let your brain fall onto the paper. As you get higher in grade levels english papers change, teachers often assign papers were we have to research or read something. Then understand the information we have crammed in our heads just to we write a shorter version without using the same words as the original text. For some this is easy. Being able to already have ideas and just make them your own words. For myself this is extremely difficult. In high school I can say that I got away with plagiarism a few times my freshman and sophomore years for research papers about elections, historians, books, current event. Over the summer I took english

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