Personal Narrative: ADHD

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About me
Ever since I remember I knew there was something that quite did not fit in my life! A missing piece? A loose screw? A wired wiring?
During my school years I was able to get by. Realization that something was different happened in nursing school. Organization and working memory were challenges for me. Strategies as rhyming, singing, storytelling and tongue twisters help me keeping up with an ocean of information I was taking in. Outstanding grades I did not have! Nursing Hand on was my passion. Who knew about ADHD or Learning disabilities then? However, I was awarded with “nursing excellence” at graduation. Nursing requires …show more content…

He required 100% of my time. Doctors were on a behavioral watch. For your dismay my son flanked preschool! Not for academics but for not following instructions, teachers talked to me about his activity level, he was happy and loving but extremely curious. Many ER trips, he could blind my eyes to get into things and his safety was compromised. I was exhausted, he was adorable, but run with unstoppable motor.. In kindergarten, he got officially diagnosed. That was the Aha moment … a generational trait of ADHD has been passed on 3 generations that we know. My father was hyperactive and very curious and impulsive. My brothers and sister, their own children too nevertheless my father’s extended relatives had the same ADHD traits too. My little princess came along and yes, she got it too! She was diagnosed at age four. As a mom, I was motivated to help my children to learn strategies to manage their ADHD. Counseling, tutoring, learning clinics, social …show more content…

My daughter will graduate from school in 2016. She benefited from all the actions implemented during her growing up and except for occasional overwhelm; she is able to manage her ADHD well. With my nursing background and my own extensive knowledge of ADHD I have continued working in Colombia with ADHD adults, children, their parents and professionals in education while my own children advance their education. I give conferences to parents, teachers and any person interested in learning about ADHD. As for me, I obtained my certification as an ADHD consultant from AIHCP in 2013 and currently I am ADHD coach-in-training at the IACTCenter. I will be finishing my certification on March 2016 and start working toward the International Coach Federation Certification. It has been a long way as you can see. For the last 20 years learning and implementing my Knowledge. Now I can offer my ADHD coaching services based on science, knowledge and personal experience to help you discovering what works for you or your love one to manage ADHD as I have done with myself, my children and my extended ADHD

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