Health Belief Model

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I believe my personal health is in an acceptable shape. I physically feel great. I typically have a vigorous workout every other day or every third day. To fuel myself for those vigorous exercises, I eat lots of proteins, carbs, fruits, and vegetables. In addition to that part of my physical health, I don’t partake in drugs or alcohol because I’ve seen the effects and want no part of that lifestyle. Also booze is expensive and full of unnecessary carbs, and drugs can mess you up for life. I also haven’t had sex or plan to soon, so I won’t be getting any STDs or have a pregnancy. My physical health is pretty solid at the moment and I think my physical wellness will be more optimal based off of my choices. In addition to physical health, my mental health is also doing well. I have not had a traumatic life altering experience besides knee surgery, but that was more painful, than earth shattering. I have not been abused and am generally an upbeat, positive person. I’ve been able to make great, meaningful relationships and am willing to help them out and it’s reciprocated. If I’m in trouble, I have the confidence to ask for help even if the situation is awkward. Additionally, I also life my life with meaning. I want others to enjoy life like I do. I want to help others and for …show more content…

The Health Belief Model states the, “Perceived benefits of specific action.” This is talking about if I started running, I’ll reduce my risk of heart disease. It’s typically to get away from a disease or illness. The Health Belief Model discusses a lot about how you perceive your susceptibility, your consequences, your benefits, and your barriers. I have a risk of strokes in my family. I could subconsciously always yearn to be active to lower my risk of a stroke. It plays a role in how active I want to be, but it’s likely that it’s a combination with my environmental factors that I stated in the paragraph

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