Personal Essay On Why I Deserve A Scholarship

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Personal Essay: Ryann Scherdt
Struggling to find the perfect fit for what I want to do with my life has always been challenge for me until I started taking courses at the residential college, James Madison. Currently I am double majoring in Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy and Social Relations and Policy. These courses have helped me to analyze and think more thoroughly about the political process and policies’ effects on society. With knowledge gained in my majors and valuable experiences I will have, I will someday confidently share my ideas, present policy objectives, research data, and continue to acquire knowledge along the way. Along with my academic goals, I continue to involve myself in many things. I have participated through my membership on the club women’s water polo team at MSU. Being a part of a team allowed me to get involved at Michigan State and helped me to find other people with similar interests. However, being an athlete in college provides many challenges. I learned to overcome the obstacle of having a busy schedule. To perform well academically and participate in an activity that …show more content…

Philanthropy work involves promoting the welfare of others and making an impact. I know there are many different aspects of philanthropy that I do not have a complete understanding of. Working in a role that promotes these goals will aid me in discovering effective ways to have an influence that can improve the people and environment around me. The ability to help others fuels my desire to be a part of an organization that works towards the betterment of individuals. I believe that the University Advancement will allow me to work in an environment that strives to promote the prosperity of the institution. This experience will allow me to utilize everything I would learn about philanthropy in future job

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