Why I Want To Pursue A Scholarship Essay

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I have a passion for learning that exceeds all else in my life. There are so many things that I am interested in, things that I hope will continue to shape and impact my future. Science has not always been an interest of mine, but my love and appreciation for it has grown over the years. I try to push myself and find new avenues to explore in my education. The challenge that sciences pose is so endearing. I have grown to love the complexities of biology, the uncertainty of hypotheses, even the math of chemistry. I do not believe a person can become better by being complacent. By getting into science, I have stepped out of my comfort zone, and I am grateful that I have. I want to major in science, and go into medicine, either surgery or research. Someday, I hope that my interest in the minutiae of something like viral DNA or genetic engineering or human physiology will allow me to help others, however big or small the impact. …show more content…

I particularly love Greek and Roman culture; their mythologies have had a major impact in my life since I was a kid; I have always found it incredibly comforting to know that an entire society once worshipped gods just as flawed as any human. I feel like studying history gives people an appreciation for the modern world, and everyone who has come before us. Seeking a career in science and medicine, I know it will be difficult to keep history in my life. But if I ever have the financial means to do so, I want to support language and culture in my community and the world around me, through festivals and school programs and art. Most importantly, in my future I will conduct myself with the humility and respectfulness that comes with knowing the worst our world has done, and striving to do

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