Personal Core Values

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Do you desire to be more successful in life than you are? Most people do, as it provides an inspiration to wake up each day. To believe you have the potential to improve your life is imperative for being motivated to excel and optimistic about your future. If you do not believe in your potential to be a better you, why get out of bed?

Potential is defined as, "Latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness," and "Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future." A strong belief in your potential first stems from having a foundation of personal core values that you strive to implement daily. Without the existence of core values, you have no path to guide you on how to ethically live up to your potential.

Core values provide the framework to align what you strive for with who you are and what you believe in. Living your core values is the cornerstone for building a positive attitude, and attitude is a reflection of your self-respect. Therefore, a positive attitude plus self-respect is a formula for a better you.

What areas of your life would you like to improve upon? When was the last time you asked yourself such a question? Realize that we all have the potential to become better individuals. Although there may be some physical and …show more content…

It is essential to instill this principle of understanding in your children, for they will gain a better appreciation for themselves when they realize they have earned their accomplishments. An "everybody gets a trophy" type of mentorship does little to encourage a high degree of effort by those being mentored. It stifles what it means to live up to one's potential. As with any fulfilling endeavor, the effort you put in directly correlates with the level of reward that is

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