Organic Foods: The Benefits Of Organic Food

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Although people think organic foods are a waste of money, organic foods avoid chemicals. Instead of chemicals, organic food contains fruits, along with nutrients which provide a better taste. Organic foods can lead to a better and healthy environment. Therefore organic foods are the way to go. Although expensive, organic foods stand out as the healthiest and most nutritious and benefit the environment. Do people know that “At least 60 percent of organic produce contains more nutrients than conventionally grown produce” ( Smith et al. 3) . Which reduce health issues most likely because many fruits contain proteins, along with vegetables. Organic foods also “help against pregnant women to avoid meat and dairy contaminated with hormones, …show more content…

Although the governments Did not label all organic foods, most organic foods are label healthy.“Because organic food organically grown food cannot be genetically modified in any way, choosing organic is the only way to be sure that foods that have been genetically engineered stay out of your diet” ( Loux 2 ) . When it comes to organic foods the choices could be optional, because it maintains many fruits and vegetables. Gmo can avoid a lot of problems among the society, because gmo gives information such as labeling and the ingredients. Gmo is classified as a unhealthy food because it contains chemicals, but organic foods is not contain with chemicals, hormones, and drugs. “Like many big issues, the topic of GMO is very nuanced, especially when you throw in corporate farming giants like monsanto a leading agricultural biotech company of GE seeds and herbicide brand roundup dominating the market share” ( Chien 4 ) . having gmos in organic foods is at risk because they release a small amount of insects that have a preexisting resistance to certain Bt proteins ( Chien 4 ) . “We’d be concerned if we weren’t using roundup and were using something more dangerous like 2, 4-d [dichlorophenoxyacetic acid] or more toxic chemicals” ( chien 4 ) …show more content…

The term organic refers to a way of growing and processing agricultural products, including fruits, vegetables, grains meats, and dairy products. Organic farm must be certified by the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) to ensure they meet federal regulations. Those regulations prohibit the use of most synthetic substances ( pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers ), sewage sludge fertilizer, growth hormones and antibiotics for livestock. ( Tecco 1 ) . Organic foods is known for saving the environment. “Organic farming practices benefit the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water and soil” ( Tecco 1 ) . “Organic ingredients is made with at least 70% organic ingredients. The USDA Organic seal cannot be used” ( Tecco 3 ) . “Natural refers to meat or poultry containing no artificial ingredients or added color. The food is only minimally processed, using a method that does not change the raw product” ( Tecco 3 ) . “ On 2003 study in the journal of agricultural and food chemistry found 58.5 percent more cancer-fighting antioxidants in organic corn than in corn treated with synthetic chemicals” ( Tecco 2 ) . All these ideas can reduce health issues. “ You can pay 35 percent to 177 percent more for organic products than for conventional brands, reports the USDA’s Economic Research Service. To save money, try shopping for fruits and veggies when they are in season, suggest Holly Givens of the

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