Critical Analysis Of Organic Food

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Critical analysis of Pune’s organic food market
Literature Review:

1) Report on Organic Food Market in India 2011-12 by Technopak
- Executive Summary: The summary basically points out that the market for organic food in India is still petite; there are very few active players in the market however the change in consumers’ perception and the growing trend of being healthy and fit has resulted in an estimation that the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13-14% for organic fruits and 10-11% for dairy products over the next five to six years.
- Consumer Perception: Even though consumers’ have become conscious about the kind of food they buy; there is not a clear understanding and implication of “organic”. They are also not able to tell the difference between “natural” and “organic” on product labels. The gap is even wider for consumers that have never purchased any kind of organic food till date. …show more content…

In India, the demand for organic food is originating from Tier I cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Banglore, Gurgaon and Pune. Indian organic food market includes Conscious Foods, Sresta, Eco Farms, Organic India, Navdanya and Morarka Organic Foods. The report also points out that the organic food is usually 20% to 30% more than conventional items which is a major limitation for the market because majority of the buyers are price sensitive.

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