Objectives Of Sales Force Objectives

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1 (a) Direct sales approach objectives and modern personal selling...

Sales forces drive revenue for their employers by actively seeking out and engaging customer prospects. Sales can be described as the most personal branch of the marketing function, as salespeople often work directly with customers, either face to face, over the phone or in online sales chat. Sales force objectives and strategies are mainly concerned with boosting companies' top-line revenue growth but may also strive to reduce marketing costs and increase profitability.

Sales Growth

The most basic of sales force objectives is to raise the total sales numbers in each period, generally each week, month or quarter. Sales forces record the number of customers served daily, and sales managers view detailed reports displaying trends in daily sales volume. An example of a strategy used to achieve a revenue growth objective is to institute a commission compensation program for salespeople …show more content…

One possible objective of sales forces is to continually reduce their level of employee turnover, which can increase sales productivity and reduce training costs. Two possible strategies to achieve this objective include rewriting job postings to make sure job applicants fully understand the nature of the work, and adding stress and conflict management role-playing scenarios to new-hire training programs.

Repeat Customers

Repeat customers can be a company's most profitable customers. One possible objective of a sales team is to increase the number of sales made to existing customers compared to first-time buyers. Customer-relationship management or CRM strategies can help to achieve this objective, strengthening relationships with customers and turning repeat customers into champions for the brand.


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