Nurse Leader Role

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And: As a nurse leader it will be my obligation to meet all the values and the mission of an organisation and to meet all the values
Promoting Patient safety: As a leader I have many authorities and responsibilities to fulfill. It will be my duty to promote the patients’ safety. So, to gain success in this task I will have to distribute the work load equally to all the team members and assure that they perform their duty very well. As a leader I need to be strict and keep an eye on all the nurses if they are delivering a quality care to the patients.
Positive working environment: Maintenance of an inspiring environment is a necessity at a nursing home. As a leader I must lighten the spirits of all the nurses time and again so that they continue …show more content…

Be it a painter or a doctor they are skilled and creative in their own levels. Therefore, creativity plays a major role in innovation. Innovation is bringing a revolutionary change that has a significant value to the world. In a nursing home, all the nurses are hardworking and dedicated to their patients and daily chores. They have managed to keep the demented patients, the disabled patients, the cancer patients, the mental patients and all kinds of patients happy. They work night and day to keep the patient alive. They keep their heart strong, so that the next day they come they don’t have to see their patients die in front f their eyes. They are stressed, depressed, lacking sleep, traumatised etc yet they are still alive. In me believe this is possible due to their creativity and passion for their job. This can be a living example and source of inspiration and encouragement for innovation in a …show more content…

Organisations that invest in staff development and training programs, which provide workplace learning opportunities, and which also encourage feedback, further foster the sense of individual and team recognition within the organisation. Outline the benefits that positive communication and open communication has when managing individuals and teams.
Ans: Communication is an important tool that determines the effectiveness of the team work. Both open communication and closed communication are the source for a good teamwork. The benefits of effective communication in a team are:
a) Efficient action: Effective Communication occurs when the team members can have an open communication with everyone in the team. Share their ideas, opinions. give feedbacks, review etc. so that they feel their importance in the team. Feel valued is what makes us committed towards the team. We will always want to give our best any we are assigned any job. Thus, efficient action can be the result of an effective

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