My Three Well-Developed Qualities In Athletic Training

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Personal Qualities Each person has their own set of qualities that they excel at. Certain jobs require a person to have or develop certain qualities that would help them further their career. In athletic training it would be beneficial to be ethical, responsible, have personal discipline, open-minded, flexible, assertive, creative, and ambitious. My three well-developed qualities of this list are open-mindedness, flexibility, and creativity. My three under-developed qualities are responsibility, personal discipline, and assertiveness. These qualities in me need improvement if I am to be a good athletic trainer. Three Well-Developed Qualities My well-developed qualities are once I excel at and don’t need to work on as much as the other qualities. …show more content…

Responsibility is the ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization. Taking owner is also a part of being responsible. My biggest struggle is making decisions on my own and not worrying about what others might think. I don’t have an issue taking ownership of what I do, but making the big decisions I tend to fall short on. To improve this quality I need to stop making excuses and trust myself. Trusting that I can get the job done, and that what people think of me doesn’t matter. This quality will help me in athletic training by letting people know I am a responsible person and ready to but myself out there The second under-developed quality of mine is having personal discipline. That quality is the act of training and control of oneself and one's conduct, usually for personal improvement. I tend to slack off on things that need done. This slacking off usually happens when I need to study and when feeling tired. My biggest problem is telling myself I will do it later. To improve this quality I need to stop making excuses and just do that task at hand. Personal discipline will help me in athletic training by getting my work done and being more

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