My Spiritual Journey Research Paper

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I woke up absolutely scared to death. I knew the dream was from God, and I was freaked out about whatever was headed toward my house. Of course, I thought it was going to be about Miranda, but Miranda was not in the dream. I was. I went to church in the morning and was told by a friend about a woman I had prayed for seven years prior was pregnant. I had seen a vision where this woman held a baby girl. I knew she would have a little girl. When, I heard the word she was pregnant, I began to cry, not because she was getting her promise, but because I was scared to death about my dream. I struggled for two weeks and then settled it with God. I decided I would handle whatever this storm was like Jesus had handled storms. Jesus slept during the storm. I told God I would trust him totally and simply rest in whatever was coming my way. …show more content…

December 23, 2004, I went to the post office to check on the ministry mail and we had received some financial gifts. I was so thankful. I was thanking God for all He had done in such a short period of time. I was overwhelmed with how fast He had begun and built the ministry and brought such faithful people along side of me to carry the gospel. I was in amazement. I pulled out from the post office to go to the grocery store. It was two days before Christmas and I needed to get groceries for the big breakfast we do at our house Christmas morning with our family. I was sitting at a red light in the far right lane. In Tennessee, right on red is okay, so I was looking to see if any cars were coming. My neck was twisted as far to the left as it would go. Suddenly, horrid pain rushed through my neck and shoulders all the way down to my hands. I did not know what had happened. I began to cry and instantly I knew to go to the hospital. At that point, a very nice man approached my window and said, “Are you

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