Spiritual Retreat Research Paper

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Motivational Insights From Spiritual Retreat How can we spiritually grow closer to God and our peers around us? How can we develop our relationships with our friends in positive, beneficial ways? Activities such as camping, attending church, and participating in spiritual retreats can accomplish these goals. Engaging in Atlanta Adventist Academy's spiritual retreat this past weekend helped me to develop my character on spiritual, mental, and social levels. Throughout the course of the weekend, I was able to strengthen relationships between former and new friends, experience the mental and social aspects of teamwork, and learn how God works through negative situations. Spending quality time with my classmates encouraged me to spiritually and …show more content…

On Saturday night, a song was played that encouraged some of AAA's students to get up and dance. When Mr. Jones announced that the dancing was inappropriate for spiritual retreat, he also mentioned a fact that I wasn't aware of at the time. He said that he was thankful that people like Christian Lawson and Matthew Cordner were able to easily dance and express themselves. Since they were very ill or injured at one point in their lives, it is a miracle that they are still moving and dancing around today. Remembering their smiles and laughs while they danced reminded me that God can definitely heal us and take control of our lives. He can lead us out of times of trouble and use people to help make situations better. God always has a plan for us and uses various situations and people in unique ways to teach us lessons and messages. After thinking about this topic for several hours, some of my close friends decided to apologize on behalf of those who were dancing. They asked our bible teacher for forgiveness and sought to correct the issue. Observing my friends as they reflected on their sin and asked for forgiveness, reminded me of God's unfailing love and salvation. When Mr. Jones and Mr. Janetzko forgave those who were at fault, I thought about how lucky we are as humans to get second chances from our endless sins and faults. This negative experience opened up a new insight that I would have never thought about if it didn't

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