My Spiritual Journey

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My life is continually unfolding into a more global understanding of faith, religion and culture where I once thought all was wrong and evil if not strictly Roman Catholic. One of the ways I cultivate my outlook is to analyze the different ways people honor the dead. I can remember as far back as age four, getting my hair done and the whole family rushing out the door to get to Mass on Sunday mornings. My family who owned and/or rented five different homes on a typical Puerto Rican near-north side Chicago block, would all meet out in front at the van. I say van because my aunt/Godmother who has muscular dystrophy, had the largest vehicle due to her handicap. We all packed in and headed for either St Sylvester or St. Francis Church, depending on who made the decision that day. My great grandmother had the matriarchal front passenger seat. An uncle was driving, a few more adults behind that including aunts, uncles and my grandmother with all of us kids, nearly eight of us all to the rear. It was so hot with no open windows or air conditioning. Sometimes I thought we were on our way to hell. When we got there, we would have to sit quietly, stand, kneel, and repetitive combinations thereof, shake hands, a few songs then the final guitar-played song was the finale. The second part of the words, “La misa e terminado, dénos gracias a Dios (The mass has ended, thanks be to God)” was spoken by us kids over and over while we giggled. It was then time to go eat. They were fun times where ‘El Dia de los Reyes(Three Kings Day)’ on January 6th was celebrated with many families singing in ‘paranda’ style groups throughout the Christmas season, going from home to home with traditional instruments. My parent... ... middle of paper ... ...try, but I have been privileged to honor those from less traditional backgrounds such as Masons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim. Inside, I do feel sad when there is no spiritual or religious service prior to military honors. So, overall, my spiritual journey has been a winding and enlightening one to date. I am now more open minded and ready for progress in understanding and appreciating all religions alike, especially after this class. I want to visit India, Thailand and other places now. If they are fundamentally good, then they are not immoral, misguided or evil as I was once taught. After my confusing past, I am still seeking and searching for that one possibly perfect spiritual fit. Through deep soul searching, more education and continually giving back I will find it some day.

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