My Belief in God

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My Belief in God

For the purpose of our discussion on critical thinking, we shall define truth as objective reality, the actual state of affairs. According to this view, what people believe about something in no way alters reality.

Since as long as i can remember, my parents have taught me to believe in "God", the father of Jesus Christ, the "one" who created the world we live in today. As I got older and a little more wiser I started to question this invisible figure. Who is he? How do I know that he can perform miracles? Does he forgive you of your sins? Just as I started to find out if Santa Clause was really a figment of my imagination, I wanted to know the same about God, I wanted to know the truth.. And soon i learned the truth.

When I was at the age of seven, I found out that my Grandmother, from my dads sisde of the family was very ill, her kidneys gave out, and she needed a transplant. I remember that day very vividly, i remember walking into the hospital room where she was placed at the time, and a sort of silence with a mixture of darkness in the room. We entered and the Doctor had told my family and I that there was no kidney transplant available for my Grandmother. It was a shock to my family and me. Everyone knew if there wasn't a transplant that she wouldn't make it. Yet my family did not loose faith, they kept on praying and praying just so that she wouldn't die. The next day my father recieved a call, and that call changed the way I felt about my religion and God. The doctor had told my father that my uncle that has been living in another country for over the past twelve years was going to donate one of his kidneys to his mother. I could not believe it but this event, and experience changed the truth.

Another event that i experienced that altered the way i looked at reality, and believing in God was when i was ten years old, and my mother had a pre-mature baby and the doctors said that the baby was in no chance of making it.

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