Microorganisms In Robert Hooke's Uncovering A Tiny World

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Microbiology is the study of organisms that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. These living organisms, known as microorganisms, are believed to be the cause of infectious diseases long before they were discovered. My interest in microorganisms stems from personal experience with the impacts they have on every aspect of human life. Microbiology is a crucial area of knowledge and study in life sciences, and research continues to aid us in understanding the world the around us.
This paper discusses the development and history of Microbiology and its impact on human health over time. This includes an examination of historical events that led to the development of techniques and procedures used for the handling of microorganisms, and …show more content…

Apfeldorf’s article “Uncovering a Tiny World” discusses Hooke’s book which is known for its microscopic illustrations of insects and microbes that Hooke had drawn as he viewed them under the microscope. His elaborate drawings of tiny objects and insects were the scientific evidence that supported his claims of the significant value of the microscope to science and the many ways it could be used. The book also contained a description of how to make a powerful microscope with a spherical lens, much like Leeuwenhoek’s glass pearls. Leeuwenhoek traveled to England that same year and is believed to have obtained a copy of Hooke’s book and …show more content…

The tools used by microbiologists are essential and advancements would not have been possible without the continued improvements of the microscope. In addition, the petri dish is another key factor and besides nature, it is the main source for cultured solid media that is viewed under the microscope. Additional tools include slides and the dyes that are used to determine changes in cells and microbes or pathogens that cause disease. Heat has also been identified as a major tool in killing deadly spores and the impacts of cold have identified the need for temperature controlled environments that kill viruses and prevent the decreased effect in medications. Heat and cold have both been identified as tools in treating various complications from

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