Unknown Bacteria Lab Report

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In this lab project, the microbiology students were given 2 unknown bacteria in a mixed broth each broth being numbered. The goal of this project is to determine the species of bacteria in the broth. They had to separate and isolate the bacteria from the mixed broth and ran numerous tests to identify the unknown bacteria. The significance of identifying an unknown bacteria is in a clinical setting. Determining the exact bacteria in order to prescribe the right treatment for the patient. This project is significant for a microbiology students because it gives necessary skills to them for future careers relating to clinical and research work.
Materials and Methods
Streak plate technique was used to isolate pure culture for each bacteria (2). The Gram stain was used to determine Gram reaction and morphology of each bacteria (2) Selective and differential media such as, salt agar, MacConkey agar and blood agar were used for bacterial identification (2). Gelatin deeps were inoculated to detect production of gelatinase (2). Starch Agar plate were inoculated to detect amylase (2). Ocular reticle used to determine bacteria size (2). Motility deeps were inoculated to detect motility on bacteria (2). Thioglycollate broth used to determine oxygen requirements (2). Carbohydrate fermentation …show more content…

The Gram positive bacteria has been nicknamed Posi. The Gram positive species’ morphology includes having an opaque opacity with a smooth margin. The moisture content of the Gram positive species is shiny and the pigmentation is gold. The Gram positive species grows at an optimal temperature of 37°C. The shape of the Gram positive species is a cocci, with an arrangement of grapelike clusters. The Gram positive species’ size ranges from .5-1.5 µm. Oxygen requirement of the Gram positive species is facultative, and has complete lysis of red blood cells. All results are summarized in Table

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