Maslow's Hierarchy Case Study

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The theory of Maslow’s hierarchy was created in order to understand what is the motivation for others, and was defined by Abrahm Maslow as stated from the “Understanding Canadian Business” textbook (327). However, motivation is created because of needs, as people become motivated to accomplish their needs as stated from the “Understanding Canadian Business” textbook (327). Although needs, as defined in the “Understanding Canadian Business” textbook, is separated into five different categories; physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization (327). Furthermore, physiological are needs which allow a person to survive, like having water; safety needs is where workers need to feel secure at their workplace and at their home; social …show more content…

Those aspects as outlined in the past sentence are all accomplished and established when the workers benefit. Therefore, motivation is created by workers needs. Managers of companies need to know what needs have to be fulfilled in order to create motivation for workers. Consequently, managers have to establish which needs workers desire to be met in the workforce (self-actualization, esteem, social, safety and physiological), the example does workers desire to have a water machine at the company or do they desire to have security in their job and seek a respected work environment? When managers know which needs are desired by workers, they can try to achieve these goals for …show more content…

First Target must identify the needs employees desire from the company, then try to create some of the needs. Some needs that the employees may want could be self-actualization, esteem, social, safety or physiological. Needs that are self-actualization that employees may want are; being able to change their job within the company, able to relocate to a different city but still have their job at a different location and learn how to work for another job in the company. Although companies may have esteem needs, which could be; all forms of diversity are accepted in the working environment and there are discrimination and a racial free environment. Furthermore, social needs; employees being recognized for their hard work like being nominated for selling the most products in the store or being nominated for displaying the best customer service skills. Thus, companies must create needs, to create motivation for

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