Main Causes Of Autism

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Research on Autism, which affects between 4,000 and 6,000 children in the U.S each year, has increased over the years and has been narrowed down to two main causes: genetics and environmental factors (A Research Strategy…1). Therefore, the government should do more studies on Autism so that people are aware of the causes and effects of Autism. Not only is Autism a subject that people don’t know enough information about, but it’s a subject that people don’t take seriously. Like many other diseases throughout the world, scientists don’t have a direct cause or cure for the disease. Although they have narrowed the causes down to two main factors, people with children diagnosed with Autism and also people who have no knowledge of Autism at …show more content…

Diseases associated with Autism can stem from genomic DNA mutations, triplet repeat expansion, and chromosomal abnormalities (Autism Genetics…2). Many genes involved with Autism are also involved with intellectual disability. Genetic research has showed that Autism and other diseases have strong hereditary components. Epilepsy, which is associated with Autism, has equally complex genetic and non-genetic causes (The Genetics of Autism…1).
Structural variation of chromosomes has been seen in those who are diagnosed with Autism. Structural variation is when they rearrange the chromosomes and encompass millions of bases in every human genome (The Functional Impact…). Cytogenetically detectable chromosome abnormalities are found in 7.4% (129/1749) of Autism cases (Structural Variation…3).
Autism is more likely to affect males than females and although a couple may have one child diagnosed with Autism, the next child is not necessarily going to have Autism as well but it is more likely to be diagnosed. This is why people have an issue believing that environmental factors have something to do with Autism if it is said to affect more males than …show more content…

Scientist are basically guessing and saying genetics could be a cause because that’s the only other option besides environmental factors and other diseases with almost the same structures are caused by genetics. More tests are required to state the fact that yes most definitely genetics are a factor. There just isn’t enough information to persuade people that genetics have something to do with autism. Autism is being diagnosed in children with families that don’t have a medical background with Autism. How can they really say it’s in their genes?
In an interview with Kevin Burton Sr., father of five children from the age of 13-19, he explains his view on genetics:
In my opinion, genetics has nothing to do with it. Back in the day, when I was growing up, diseases like Autism weren’t being bought up like it is today. Now all of a sudden diseases such as ADH and Autism are being found in our children; all these kids need is a good old fashioned whooping! Now I’m not saying genetics can’t be possible. Of course if you marry your cousin your kids are going to turn out to have something wrong with them.
His wife, Avis Burton agreed with him. She, along with her husband, believes that environmental factors have more to do with Autism than

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