Leadership and Healthcare Quality

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With many qualities and characters such as someone; who speaks up, direct others, take control, very energetic and charismatic that others will naturally want to follow. When considering these mentioned qualities, it naturally appears to you as that the leader is an extroverted type individual because extroverts have those qualities and tend to focus their attention on the outer world of people and things. On the other hand, introverts tend to focus their attention on the inner world of ideas and impression, and with this type, one will not consider an Introvert as a successful leader, however Introverts can be a benefit in leadership roles in the healthcare system due to their analytic thinking, quietness, and the ability to hold their feeling to themselves.
Having the ability to give guidance for those that will follow is what a leader does and it takes courage to do that. As a leader, you are involve in taking action and influencing others based on reason, logic, inspiration, and passion (Kello, 2012). In the healthcare system, you deal with patience and must be very outgoing and customer oriented but as an introvert type, those qualities are not associated in you that might be the case. In the health care setting, which requires with dealing with people’s problems and providing them with the best results, you will have to listen to their problem with much attention and think analytically before proceeding to provide the best solution. This though is what an introvert type individual does, they are very analytic. Introverts can focus with great humility and willingness to share leadership. They are more likely to listen attentively, process, and implement the ideas of an eager team. As a great leader, it is very important to...

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...king. The same applies to a nurse, if the leader does not make sure a patient’s data is not read well and attentively, there might be either an error of giving a wrong medication and that can have a very bad effect on the patient.

Works Cited

Cozen, F., & Mowbray, D. (2001). Leadership and the quality of care. BMJ Quality & Safety, 10(2). doi:10.1136/qhc.0100003
Kello, J. (2012). Can introverts take the lead? ISHN, 46(10), 28,30. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/proxy.library.umkc.edu/docview/1220634153?accountid=14589
Noble, C. (2010). Introverts: The Best Leaders for Proactive Employees. Research & Ideas, 6, 1-2. Retrieved from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/pdf/item/6494
Pophal, L. G. (2011, January 18). The Introverted Leader on ADVANCE for Nurses. Retrieved May 3, 2011, from http://nursing.advanceweb.com/Archives/Article-Archives/The-Introverted-Leader.aspx

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