Is College Worthwhile Investment

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When transitioning from high school into higher education, there is a lot of pressure for one to attend and complete college. With the national rise in enrollments, college costs, student debt, and under-placed graduates, we inevitably come faced with the question: is a college education worth the investment? It’s a pretty loaded question. As current college students, it’s best for us to believe it is worth it as we need all the motivation we can get to pursue our degrees. We’re convinced that college is definitely worth it “in the long run.” However, as people have varying needs and resources, the question to be asked at high school students ought to be, “Is college a worthwhile investment when taking into consideration your individual aspirations, and is it worth it at this time of your life?” This is when one would assess where they stand – under what circumstances will they make this decision. [Needs Thesis] …show more content…

Costs and benefits of college differ across individuals and, therefore, it is important to consider the ‘worth’ of college on a case-by-case basis. The earnings associated with a college degree will be different for each individual as people differ in the way they are affected by higher education. Individuals also differ with respect to the costs of college. If we assume that each individual is aware of his or her benefits and costs, individuals would simply weigh the returns of the college investment against the costs. The returns consist of the value of lifetime earnings associated with a college degree, while the costs consist of both direct costs, such as tuition, and the indirect cost of living while in college. The balance of imbalance between these things would help determine if one has made the right decision or

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