Argumentative Essay On The Cost Of College

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A diverse array of arguments concerning the costly price of college and its equivalence to the ultimate result of attending persists along a vastly debatable spectrum of economic and social influences. Those seeking a better standard of living by the means of higher education often find themselves in conditions that are more adverse than their lifestyle prior to attending college. Efforts to dwindle the expenditure of college education have the potential to produce a heightened reality of the world, with intellectual knowledge as a pivotal key. The expensive cost and limitability of a college education has potential to invoke incentive to work harder in one’s studies; however, the cost can crush individuals enrolled, obtaining a college degree does not ensure employment, and an excessive number of individuals are hesitant to attend college in the first place due to the prevalent debt tied to its completion. A debate of work ethic plays a prominent part in matters of college cost, with many viewing the expansive cost of college as a justifiable challenge. A prevalent assertion that working diligently for college education is likely to lead the individual to feel more appreciative of their accomplishments. Financial crisis intertwined with …show more content…

The cost of college can promote a serious and focused class environment. Perhaps the rising costs can be attributed back to public money that has been too easy and a lax work environment (Wobbekind 93). An increase of college cost may be subliminally inforced to filter out individuals who will work harder in their studies from those who do not have the ability to keep up. A constant internal consideration of the price may push students to do their best in order to avoid thwarting their chance to better themselves. However, this constant internalized conflict often proves detrimental to those seeking

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