Iphone Case Study

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When touchscreen phones first started coming out, they were stylus based and did not have the most intuitive interface. However, when Apple released the iPhone several years ago, they revolutionized the phone industry as we knew it and started the smart phone development craze. These days the choice is not as simple. If you go cell phone shopping, instead of having a few Windows Mobile phones and one iPhone to choose from, you have around three iPhone models and around thirty Android devices, not including tablets and iPads. With the vast majority of phones on the market running Android OS, you would expect Android devices to have access to the latest apps. This is not the case. In fact, Apple mobile devices running iOS tend to get the best apps first. With the large number of users …show more content…

While both platforms have many operating system (OS) versions to consider, Android phones can have many different kinds of processors, and it can be hard optimizing an app for all of them. Another problem that can be tricky to work with is screen size. On iOS, developers only deal with a few iPhone or iPad sizes, but with Android, they must accommodate for almost every screen size possible. This makes app development difficult, for they must figure out a suitable ratio to scale everything by. Certain engines like Unity do this automatically, but if a developer is programing an app from scratch, he will be required to implement these features manually. There are also developers that when payed will port an iOS game to Android for the developer. Android phones or tablets may not have a gyroscope or camera either, which can make several games or apps impossible to use. By warning users in the description of the app, developers can be certain that the users playing the game have the proper hardware needed to use the

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