Importance Of Parenting Skills

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Parenting is a skill just like being an effective leader. Parents who have been encountering difficulties with their child rearing may want to consider brushing up on their parenting skills.

Parenting Skills Primer: If what you've been doing as a parent hasn't been working for you please don't blame your child. Children are a bit like a blank canvas is to an artist. If the artist can't paint she doesn't blame her canvas for the poor picture. She learns new techniques.

Wise parenting means that you assess what parenting style you are using. If it hasn't been working you identify what you have been doing wrong and make some changes.

One way to evaluate your parenting skills is to do a parenting skills assessment. You can actually take a simple self-assessment quiz where there are no right or wrong answers but you will learn about your predominant parenting style. To do that you must first be aware of your present parenting style. You can take a free parenting styles quiz at . The results are not saved or recorded but are sent to you confidentially by email. …show more content…

Attention. Children crave attention. If they can't get any positive attention they may do things to get their parents to react even if it is with anger, To children it is better to be yelled at than to be ignored.

2. Setting Boundaries. Children need and actually seek boundaries. To a child having no limits is a very frightening idea. A child actually needs the security of knowing what their routine is and knowing that their parents care enough to set those limits.

3. Children need consistency. When you set up rules you must enforce them consistently without fail. Arguing and negotiating with your children when they misbehave only encourages your child to become a manipulator.

4. Always set and enforce consequences for

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