Importance Of Friends With Your Friends

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Keep your friends close and your enemies’ closer. In modern time the word enemy means a hostile power or force. In any good relationship what goes around, comes around .A person would be victorious if he knows more about his enemies. Enemies are not always there to harm an individual; but one should keep an extremely close eye on such enemies in order to make sure that they are not going to hurt one’s beliefs. Sometimes it is necessary and beneficial to make friends with the enemy. It would be much better to look after one’s enemies than to look after their friends to have a colourful life. In today’s world people are busy in their hectic lives; friends and enemies play an important role in their lives. Based on likes and dislikes of a person, …show more content…

An individual gives value to himself and follows his own set of beliefs and try to continue in the same manner throughout his life. Cause and effect are key terms here because if there is no cause there won’t be an effect. As life goes on situations keep on changing where friends could be our enemies and enemies could be our friends. Friends also play a key role in one’s life. A famous saying “Friends are someone who understand and stand by you when no one is with you”. They don’t let you fall and stand behind you. For example, in student’s life when two individuals are equally competed with their performances then rivalry exists between two individuals which lead to adverse situations. Feelings such as anger, hatred, and jealousy are exhibited by enemies, this may lead to violence against opponent and this is the situation where enemies are to be made …show more content…

“If one knows their enemy and themselves, they need not fear the result of hundred battles. If one knows themselves but not enemy, for every victory gained they will also suffer a defeat. If one knows neither the enemy nor themselves, they will fail in every battle”. A person must eliminate threats and fear by destroying enemies, this can be done in many ways by making them closer, by reducing conflicts. As life goes on situations keep on changing where friends could be our enemies and enemies could be our friends. But one should remember in good relationships what goes around, comes around. An individual can become friend to an enemy in several ways: First step is to determine how a particular person can become an enemy. Secondly, an individual should approach an enemy and should resolve the conflicts and issues. Further that person can make apologise and ask to start over. At least one should try to become friends, the more he fights or do mean things the worse it gets. Third let the other person know being sincere. This can’t be done through talking, actions speak louder than words. Facial expressions such as smile play a key role in such

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