I Love To Play Basketball Research Paper

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We all have something we are passionate about. For some it may be hiking, farming, knitting or even their job. It fills our life with excitement and something we look forward to. When you are so in love with an activity, a person, or a thing. You get so excited to see or do whatever you are passionate about. You love every aspect of it and want to spend as much time as you can with it. For me, I am passionate about basketball. I love going to practice, getting ready for my game, playing in my game, how it keeps you fit, and healthy.
Out of all of the aspect of playing this wonderful sport, my favorite part of it would be going to practice. Practice ties everything together and makes you the player you are. During practice you put in all you can give to overall become the best player you can be. You go over plays, do drills, run, and have fun with your teammates. While running through plays you have to memorize where you are supposed to be located on the floor during all times. You need to focus on your key responsibilities during the play. Who are you screening, when you should run to a different spot on the floor, who you are passing the ball to, and even sometimes who should be shooting the ball and making sure they get the ball. While …show more content…

When game time gets closer and closer the anticipation is killing you. When the national anthem is playing all of the nerves strike. Then its tip off and everything goes away. That’s when the truly best feeling in the world kicks in. You’re filled with joy, excitement, pride, and even anger. Everything you attempted to perfect during your practices is playing out right now on the floor. Playing the best you can to represent your school feels so good. You’re showing everyone how hard your school works and what a nice program your school has. Once you do that one thing right it just lights a fire inside you and gets your energetic and ready to face

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