Gender Essay: Sexism And Gender Inequality

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Sexism & Gender Inequality
Sexism is the prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. It is rooted in the belief that one sex is naturally superior to the other, especially men to women. This attitude of male superiority is based on beliefs in traditional gender roles on how men and women should behave.
Society expects different attitudes and behaviors from boys and girls. We are socialized to conform to certain gender roles based on our biological sex. For an example, masculine roles are associated with strength, dominance and aggression, while feminine roles are associated with passivity, nurturing, and subordination. Our family, friends, religious beliefs and media influence how we perform our …show more content…

For an example, girls are given dolls to play with in an effort to prepare them for their future roles as mothers. This reinforces the belief that women are expected to be nurturing and to care for others. While, a male child on the other hand would be given toys that reinforce his masculinity, such as toys that encourage competitiveness. I believe instead that toys should not be gender specific. A boy should be allowed to play with dolls and kitchenettes, as it will encourage them to become nurturing and caring, while girls should be allowed to play with toys that encourage competitiveness. . By allowing children to play with toys of the opposite sex it teaches them a new skill set. In, the Critical Multicultural Social Work textbook that author’s describe the stigma people experience when they do not confirm to gender roles. I believe that these people feel hurt and ashamed because they feel one way, but are forced to behave in a way differently than what they feel. For an example, boys that do not engage in aggressive play may be labeled as a …show more content…

For example, a woman is expected to be warm and nurturing; when she behaves in a manner that is assertive or unfriendly, she may be perceived as being aggressive because she is not adhering to her gender role. While, a man on the other hand that is behaving in the same manner might be perceived as strong and may gain respect from his peers because of his behavior. The Patriarchy and Social Work article talked about how Social Work was viewed as women’s work because it was it “emotional work”, or work that appealed to the “heart”. This statement speaks to the stereotype that men are not emotional or that women are overly emotional. Gender stereotypes like this create disparities in what types of work opportunities are available to women and keep men in a position of power. For an example, men are often managers and executives, while women are often in positions as secretaries. The opportunities available to men and women in the workplace are based off the presumptions that men are more ambitious and goal orientated in their, work while women are presumed to be more interested in their relationships with coworkers. These societal assumptions are at the center of gender inequality in the

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