Essay On Gender Socialization

1985 Words4 Pages

Socialization of Gender Roles in Children
In our current culture, there is a huge difference between what is considered to be for girls or boys. From birth, children are told what colors and styles of clothing they wear, what toys they should play with, and how they should act. Often, girls are told they cannot play with toys considered to be for boys and boys are told they are not allowed to play with toys considered to be for girls. Children who do decide they want to play with the toys not traditionally for their gender are often scolded by family members, pushing the children back to their gender-specific toys. Gender socialization starts at birth and continues from adolescence, to adulthood, causing specific and detrimental differences …show more content…

First, men, like teenage boys, are expected to be “aggressive, brave, confront danger, and protect their loved ones.” The expectation to hold true to these qualities deteriorates the physical well-being and mental state of men, leading to more injuries in the long run. The mentality taught to young boys to “suck it up” when injured fosters the idea that they should not seek medical attention for injuries, which can lead to major problems in later life. Gender socialization teaches men to conceal their feelings because it is seen as feminine. Hiding emotions leads to stress and the complications that come from stress. Women are gender socialized to be the “responsible ones, the nurturers, and the caretakers.” Caretakers are known to have high levels of stress associated with attending to the needs of young children and sick relatives. High levels of stress are known to cause weight changes, depression, and sleep disorders. Second, women who have day jobs are also expected to also be housekeepers and nurturers of their families, causing added stress to women. (Day) Gender expectations of adults, set onto them in their adolescence, cause great strain and stress throughout their lives. Socialization of the genders from adolescence may have lasting impacts on the well-being of adults, but there are simple changes parents and society can make that will ease this

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