First Do No Harm Response

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In the movie “First Do No Harm,” there was a family that had a normal life style. All of this change when the smallest child Robbie was diagnosed with epilepsy. In the hospital that he was being treated there was some positive professional behaviors and some negative. One of the negative behaviors was that the doctor didn’t give the parents any choices on how treat Robbie. Every time Robbie would have a seizure doctor Abbasac would just gave him medications one after the other because of his reactions. Something else that was negative was that the hospital was refusing to treat Robbie because he didn’t have insurance but they shouldn't refuse medical service to someone who needs it. However, the nurse had a very positive professional behavior when treating Robbie. All of the times she was very empathetic and help to calm Robbie’s mom Lori. Another positive thing was that when she transferred Robbie to another hospital they treated him even though they didn’t have an appointment.

In this movie there were also positive and negative behaviors outside of the hospital. Something positive outside of the hospital was that Mar Jean which was the family’s neighbor or friend was always helping the family when it was needed. When the family was struggling with money she bought them food and put them in its place. Something negative was that when …show more content…

This movie was able to demonstrate that when someone is diagnosed with a disorder in a family especially if is a child how it can affect the family. The parents could have more attention towards the child and forget that they have other kids that need them as well. There could also be tension between the mother and father because they might want to deal with everything a different way. The whole family just needs to be united and accommodate to have a new lifestyle where everyone is included in the

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