External Factors Affecting Children's Development

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Sometimes young people's development can be affected by a number of external and internal factors these include the following:
Social interaction can be another factor as a child may follow his peers to fit in as it can be a higher priority to a child to fit in with other children and may copy in their footsteps for example copying bad behaviour or getting pressured to do things he doesn't want to do, social interactions can also be a big distraction especially when it means they are learning in the same environment, this may cause problems in the classroom resulting I'm it affecting the child's learning development.
Disabilities and illness is another factor, wheelchair bound children can be potentially hindered in their physical progression …show more content…

External factors may include
Malnutrition will not only affect a child's physical development like not getting the correct vitamins and minerals and can cause defiances and problems later on in life it can also affect the child's concentration levels as they have not got the energy in the classroom.
Family environment may affect a child's development as a bigger family may tend to give more moral values and education to the child that also supports their social and cognitive progress, however coming from a smaller family does not mean that the child is not provided with the same values and a child can have negative experiences. If they grow up in an extended family circle, in close relationship not only with their parents and siblings but also with their grandparents and cousins,mother might feel more protected by the people who surround them and have more opportunities to develop socially through frequent

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