Essay On Equal Pay For Women

557 Words2 Pages

Equal Pay for Women The Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963, which required employers to give equal pay for equal work to men and women working in the same workplace, and prohibited sex discrimination. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, women still earn on average only 77% of what men earn, but it is much worse for colored women (Simon). According to the White House, the pay gap between African American women and Latina women is larger. African American women are earning sixty four cents for every dollar earned by men and Latina women fifty six cents for every dollar, even though they work in the same workplace and same position (White house). I believe that women should have equal pay as men because they are both equal. Women should not be discriminated. Women shouldn’t get paid less just because of their sex, but despite the passage of the Equal Pay Act, the problem still persists. In 1963, President Kennedy Promised America that he would make sure we would set foot on the moon, and stop pay discrimination against women indefinably in the work force, but unfortunate...

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