Equity Perception In Romantic Relationships Essay

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The potential problems with equity perceptions could lead to constant struggles within a romantic relationship. The way one partner views the others input could be completely different than it was intended to be. If one side of the relationship feels they put in more effort than their partner does, it could lead to an unbalanced view of each other's intentions. According to the uncertainty reduction theory, we are motivated to figure out why people are the way they are. Once you lower the uncertainty and realize how people behave in a relationship, it may either increase or decrease the equity perception.

When both partners are fully committed to each other and the relationship they will be more likely to feel that the relationship is equitable. …show more content…

If partners achieve equity it could lead to higher levels of intimacy. As a whole, the relationship will have a greater amount of satisfaction and the couple will ultimately want to be more committed to one another. By doing this, the couple will start to see more equity throughout the relationship. Getting to the point in a relationship where you feel fairness between one another will cause your connection to grow and become stronger.

If a couple is looking for equity, they will be more likely to perceive inequity because they will be watching out closely for the costs and rewards they get out of the relationship. When comparing the two, they may realize the differences in each, causing their perception to change about their partner and their relationship. Comparing the ratio of cost and reward side by side could also provide problems if communication is not there. It needs to be understood that if a certain situation has a higher cost than reward to one partner, but the other partner views the reward higher than the cost then there needs to be a compromise between the

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