Effective Communication Self Assessment

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For the communication’s assessment, I tried Leadership IQ’s website. It was a simple and short questionnaire that asked to choose one of two answers to a question. The results stated that I like hard data, real numbers, and that I tend to be suspicious of people who are not in command of the facts and data (IQ, 2015). It went on to say that I tend to like very specific language and dislike vagueness. Ultimately, the Leadership IQ assessment stated that I was more aligned with an Analytical communicator and prefer to communicate with data and information, however, this communication style can come across as cold or insensitive. The second assessment taken at another website and was based on choosing one of four words that best described me. …show more content…

A well-thought plan for addressing leadership development is key to becoming the best leader or in this case-the best project manager. Knowing what my strengths are, is just as important as knowing my weaknesses. It is an important step in assessing one’s natural leadership style by analyzing past behavior rather than consciously doing something unnatural (Career Education Corporation, 2013). The first step in developing weaker areas and emphasizing strong points is to know what type of leader and communicator I am. My overall assessment stated that I am an Artisan and communicate with an analytical approach. Placing emphasis on strong forms of communication and creating a plan to develop weaker areas are important steps to being an effective project manager. Often times, barriers are formed when there is a weakness in communication ability. One of my weaknesses when communicating is reacting defensively to criticism. By acting defensively, I create a barrier between my team and their willingness to be open and honest. With saying that, I have to be open and honest with myself. I have to work to create an environment that emphasize constructive criticism. Team members should not be fearful to voice their opinion even if I may disagree with what is being said. Being assessed as an Analytical communicator, I sometimes come across as insensitive and uncaring. I must work to be more diplomatic in my style to improve communication. I have to encourage my team to embrace a culture of understanding. I may come across as aloof and accept that my style is not the best at interacting with everyone. Striving to become more familiar with each person and how to communicate with them is part of my plan. Communication is the cornerstone of a successful team. Effective teams have frank and free sharing and open-ended meetings that lead to a shared vision and purpose (Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2015). Everyone has unique qualities and

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