Differences And Similarities Between Two Political Parties: Democrats Vs. Republicans

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The Democrats and Republicans are two political parties that have both been around for a long time in America. These parties are very different but they also have many similarities. These parties are very competitive and have a lot of differences. The Democrats are a more liberal and left-wing party. Democrats believe in minimum wages and think that people with a higher income should be taxed more heavily. They also want there to be more government control and want society to be centered around the community and social responsibility. The Democrats want wealth to be distributed more evenly and think that the government should help those that are less fortunate. The Republicans are conservative and more of a right-wing party. Republicans believe …show more content…

Both sides have a few key ideas and stands that really identify their party. Democrats base their ideals off of equality for all and social responsibility. Democrats are more liberal and believe that the government should have more control over certain aspects of society like taxes, healthcare, military, and guns. Democrats want to limit military spending and are less reluctant to use military force. Democrats also want to put stricter limitations on guns and want to keep abortions legal. One of the biggest differences with democrats is that they want progressive taxes that tax people with higher incomes more heavily. On the other hand Republicans ideals are more centered around the individual and lean towards more individual rights and freedoms. Republicans are more conservative and think that people should not have as much governmental support and regulations. Republicans want to increase military spending and are less opposed to using military force. Republicans want there to be less gun control, believe strongly in one’s second amendment rights, and want to completely abolish abortion. Republicans are more supportive of self-reliance and think that everybody should be taxed equally no matter what their income is. Both parties have good intentions but have different views on which way is best to better the …show more content…

The top five most important of these issues are national defense, healthcare, energy, education, and the economy. National defense is one of the most important issues. Democrats want to get rid of some of our nuclear weapons, reduce funding going to the military, and get rid of Guantanamo Bay. Also, Democrats want to keep soldiers off the ground and use airstrikes to help them defend our country. On the other hand Republicans are strong supporters that our nation’s defense should be put first and that strong military power is necessary to defend the country. They are much more eager to put troops on the ground in other countries in order to better defend our nation. Republicans want to keep our nuclear weapons, increase military spending, and keep Guantanamo Bay running. Healthcare is another big issue the two parties argue over. Democrats want to make healthcare a mandatory system run by the government that all Americans are required to pay for. Republicans want to keep the independent healthcare companies so that people have the option to pay for healthcare if they want it. When it comes to energy, both parties want to use domestic natural resources. Democrats want to cut down on oil use and look for methods of alternative fuel. Republicans want to gather domestic oil and let the public determine popular energy

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