Compare And Contrast Federalist And Democratic-Republicans

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The first two parties were created in the later 1700’s, and these parties were made for two different purposes. The Federalist & Democratic-Republicans had some similar and opposing aspects, but mostly opposing. The Federalist (led by John Adams & Alexander Hamilton) wanted America to a manufacturing country. The purpose for this party's existence was so the people who opposed the Democratic-Republicans, and that they would have a say. The reason that Alexander and John wanted this to expand the economy and increase America’s wealth. Since Alexander was smart and through things and realised that if the nation was a manufacturing nation then it would promote business and trade with other countries. Unlike the Federalist the Democratic-Republicans (led by Thomas Jefferson & Such as how Thomas was thinking in the mind of the nation would be holy if we were an agricultural nation. However Hamilton was thinking along the lines of the future and making it easier for the younger generation the be wealthy. Plus the Federalist wanted the nation to be ruled by the wealthy so it does make sense to want to have a wealthy nation. On the flip side the Democratic-Republicans wanted their agricultural nation because it caused less power for the federal government and more power for the states. In conclusion the parties were more different than similar, but still were similar none the less. The Federalists stood for manufacturing for the nation because with the manufacturing would come wealth and that was the goal with the Federalists. However the Democratic-Republicans stood for agriculture because they thought that, that would make the nation holier and Thomas thought that in doing so America would be the chosen people of God. Even Though Thomas had a good intentionality I would side with Hamilton because he thought things through on the long

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