Definition Of Happiness Essay

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Happiness is defined as state of well-being and contentment or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. .
Happiness is defined differently by everyone. Happiness is not measurable but it is what many people are looking for. Most people have a desire to have a lot of happiness in their lives. But happiness is intangible. You can’t touch it, or physically feel it. So how does one know if they have it? Is it just a feeling? Is it just a smile? Some describe happiness based on the feeling they get from material things, while others use personal or social experiences. There are many different ways to describe happiness, and we will look at several examples of what people think happiness really means. Beatitude, blessedness, bliss, blissfulness, felicity, gladness, joy, warm fuzzies are all synonyms of the word happiness. . So is this what we use to define happiness?
First, we will look at happiness defined by material things. Many people would say that happiness to them would be winning the lottery, having a beach house, owning a Cadillac, or owning a mansion. Individuals who describe happiness with material things, represent the second part of the definition expressed in Merriam-Webster dictionary. These …show more content…

Success in accomplishing a goal, might be a trigger for happiness in some. Becoming a successful business man, a professional athlete or attaining your dream goal of becoming a doctor might just be what creates happiness. A mother with a new baby is one example of a personal experience of happiness. A grandmother seeing her first grandchild born, a child opening their Christmas gifts, a child saying their first word, a child taking their first step, these are just a few examples of personal experiences of happiness. This would be the warm fuzzy feeling that describes happiness. It is becoming clearer that happiness is just a

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