Consent In Health And Social Care Essay

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Consent comes in form of verbal or non-verbal, written, a consent form written cannot be looked into as the real consent itself, it only serve as an evidence that consent has been granted verbal or Non-verbal consent is an action which suggest a consent from the patient. Sometimes implied consent can be unreliable it can be argued by affected patient that they were misunderstood and there wish was not actually to consent. A valid consent must be given voluntarily by the right informed person who has the capacity to consent to the intervention in question . From statistics it is believed that Stroke causes approximately 5.7 million deaths all over the world and the loss of about 50 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) every year .If a patient …show more content…

Gain consent from mental Capacity Act 2005 This act gives the examining person powers to consent during times of emergency. The decisions made by the examining person must be on the best interest of the patient who lacks capacity and must be in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The act states that, “Treatment should be given to a patient who is unable to consent”, only if: the patient does not have the capacity to give or withhold consent to this procedure and the procedure should be in the patient’s best interests.
7. Taking all the steps to assist the patient make decision The person who is to examine the patient who has been affected by the stroke must take all the necessary steps to help the patient in make their own decisions. This includes giving explanation of what is involved in very simple and under stable language, using things like Pictures and communication and decision aiding equipments. Those who close to the affected person like
Spouse, friends and family, may be able to give assistance. Under this circumstance, it may be necessary for an assessment to be undertaken by a suitably Professional who is qualified.
8. Gaining consent from the past and present wishes of the

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