The Pros And Cons Of Medical Consent

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In America, the legal age to sign off on any medical consent is 18 years of age. Seventeen year olds should be able to compose their own medical decisions, and sign off on their own medical consents. Power should land in their hands, accompanied by the professional advice of a doctor. It is your body, be compelled to fabricate a decision without having to have your parent’s signature.
One reason why seventeen year olds ought to undergo their own medical decisions is at the age of seventeen you are well off to know the positive, and the negative effects of the decisions you generate. At that age, you have had countless diversified decisions that may have impacted your life. You may not have the life experience that adults have, but you have …show more content…

Mainly because a doctor’s license not covering seventeen year olds. Moreover, if a doctor executes accepting you, you will more than likely be put on a waiting list. The only doctor that can see you on a regular basis is a family doctor. The stipulation being, they cannot give you specialized care. To overtake the stipulations that come with being a seventeen year old, and needing specialized care, the age to give medical consent should be changed from eighteen to seventeen.
Critics might argue that seventeen year olds are too naive to sign their own medical consents. They believe that they are not “of age” and that eighteen is the perfect age to fabricate decisions on behalf of you officially becoming an adult. When in all actuality at the age of eighteen your brain is still technically not fully developed. Your brain is not fully developed until approximately the age of twenty-five. Critics might also argue that there is “too extreme” of a risk associated with allowing a seventeen year to accomplish such grand decisions. The risks being, they refuse critical medical treatment, or they lie about what is wrong with them, just to obtain prescription medicines. Those risks are risks that are associated even within the older …show more content…

There is risk with freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and even freedom of religion. Without risk there would be no lesson learned. Consequently, until you learn a lesson that comes from the associated risk, you cannot grow in prosperity. America needs to allow seventeen year olds to conceive their own decisions, weighing against all the risk that everyone is worried about. The risk that they may lead to the wrong decision. Consequently, everyone has made a wrong decision at least once in their

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