Conflict In Nursing Essay

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In being a nurse for just under two years I have come across many different types of conflicts between nurses, physicians, and/or administration. The better question is; what type of conflict is worth fighting for along with a solution. For my very first nursing job I worked on a Medical-Surgical floor in a popular city hospital. On our east side we had 12 rooms (36beds) and on our west side we had 8 private beds that were reserved for surgical hips, knee’s and orthopedic patients. On the east side we had type and true “medical-surgical” patients including, abdominal pain, falls, confusion, ICU transfers, and most of all post surgical patients. Our floor was always and constantly filling up and we were never without a bed. Overtime, the physicians and nurses started to notice more and more isolation patient coming onto our unit. This started to bother the physicians and the nursing staff because of the overwhelming amount of insolation patients. We all could no understand how we would have so many isolation patients on a floor where over half of our patients were fresh surgicals. We brought this concern to management and it did not go anywhere. We were told that we do not discriminate against any patient so in denying a patient who was on isolation would not be ethically. We were very confused because how was it ethically to put fresh surgical patients at risk for infections such a C-diff or MRSA? I personally do not believe management and administration was expecting us to question this new trend we were seeing. On most nights, we had 2 or …show more content…

The network is unbiased and focuses on making sure all research is done and the plan is well thought-out. In this assignment I am going to find a way we should have purposed this conflict to management and administration versus the way we

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