Advocacy Of Nursing Essay

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Nursing in general implies being an advocate for individuals, families, and community. From the definition, nursing can be understood from both a science and art perspective. However, it is fully understandable that nursing is a result of numerous task. Therefore, nursing is a process---a process that can be amended, repeated or even set as a guide to achieve unchartered territory of nursing. The advocacy of nursing can be achieved in two ways--by being caring and building relationships with patients. One thing that is assumed when discussing about nursing is their caring ability. It is taken for granted and it is true that when patients needs comfort they rely first on their family and to their nurses. In some cases there are also possibilities where the patient rely more towards the nurse than the family member. I believe the way nurses are thought about health and doctors are thought are not the same. Most of the time the nurse focuses on the healing part of medicine while doctors focus on the curing. In fact, healing is not a simple process, it is a holistic one. It composes of spiritual, physical, and mental. Once a patient is admitted to a hospital, they are …show more content…

As a whole, environment is beyond the person’s control. This can be classified as external environment. On the other hand, within the external environment there is an internal one. This internal environment is what the person makes of it. These internal environments can also be further divided into spiritual and emotional. The external environments also comprises the social and cultural. Based on these classification, the nurse’s role varies. In terms of the social and cultural environment, the nurse has to conform to the social and cultural ideals and way of life. Then by comparing her ideals to the environments and to the nursing process, he/she can have an effective plan that will benefit the given

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