Compare And Contrast Lewis Idea Of The Law Of Human Nature

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Why do “we have cause to be uneasy” (p. 31)? When does Christianity begin to talk? Why? We have cause to be uneasy because God is our only comfort yet supreme terror. Christianity begins to talk after one has realized that there is a moral law and a being behind it.
What are your thoughts about Lewis’s idea of the “Law of Human Nature”? What are some of the laws of right and wrong that seem to be built into mankind? I agree with Lewis’s idea of Human Nature because all humans act a certain way no matter what their background is. Rooted in all humans is a desire to do what is good and Lewis offers a well developed explanation for this phenomenon. Some laws of right and wrong can be do not murder, do not steal, and treat others with respect. …show more content…

43) Explain what he means by this and give three examples from the real world that support his hypothesis. Lewis means that no one likes badness for the sake of being bad. People are bad because they are sadists or for the sake of something they are going to get out of it. People are not greedy for money or power because it is evil but because of what they will get out of it. This goes along with gluttony as well.
Describe the example of free will found on page 47. How does this relate to human freedom and sin? Does this make the problem of evil clearer to you? Lewis uses the example of a mother asking her child to clean their room. God gave us free will so that we can have the ability to love. Without this ability we would all be senseless machines.
What is the foolish thing many people say about Jesus? Why does Lewis say this is “one thing we must not say” (p. 52)? The foolish thing to say about Jesus is that they believe his teachings but reject his divinity. A man who claims the things Jesus did would be considered a madman.
What is the great paradox found on page 57? How does this help you to understand the death of Jesus? God does not command us to suffer however it is what we need in order to return to him. Jesus suffered because he was part man and so he had to suffer to return to

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