The Dehumanization Of Humanity In The Tao By C. S. Lewis

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"If we debunk and abolish traditional moral values and gain control over the conscience of man as science has enabled us to control over other things in nature, it will result in the eventual Abolition of Man, the dehumanization of humanity." ("The Abolition of Man simplified" Youtube) The Tao (Dao) speaks of the way. The presumption that man has instincts, and that we are governed by those instincts, and that those instincts have a higher power. And that there is no right or wrong, just the value judgement (the way). C.S Lewis was saying that there always has to be a reason for moral value, and moral decisions. And that if we follow the Tao (Dao) way of life, then we have no way of knowing true morality.

"Each Translation approximates a

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