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The leviathan thomas hobbes ch 13
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David Hume's argument
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Human Nature as Viewed by Thomas Hobbes and David Hume
Thomas Hobbes in Chapter 13 of Leviathan, and David Hume in Section 3 of An Enquiry Concerning the Princples of Morals, give views of human nature. Hobbes’ view captures survivalism as significant in our nature but cannot account for altruism. We cover Hobbes’ theory with a theory of Varied Levels of Survivalism, explaining a larger body of behavior with the foundation Hobbes gives. Hume gives a scenario which does not directly prove fruitful, but he does capture selfless behavior.
We will give Hobbes’ view of human nature as he describes it in Chapter 13 of Leviathan. We will then give an argument for placing a clarifying layer above the Hobbesian view in order to account for acts of altruism.
Hobbes views human nature as the war of each man against each man. For Hobbes, the essence of human nature can be found when we consider how man acts apart from any government or order. Hobbes describes the world as “a time of war, where every man is enemy to every man.” (Hobbes mp. 186) In such a world, there are “no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” (Hobbes mp. 186) Hobbes believes that laws are what regulate us from acting in the same way now. He evidences that our nature is this way by citing that we continue to lock our doors for fear of theft or harm. Hobbes gives a good argument which is in line with what we know of survivalism, and evidences his claim well. Hobbes claims that man is never happy in having company, unless that company is utterly dominated. He says, “men have no pleasure, (but on the contrary a great dea...
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...vivalist instinct that involves self-preservation. Hobbes, however, is unable to explain altruism, thus we developed the Varied Levels of Survivalism as a layer above his theory. This modification allows for varying motives based on circumstances, all based on survival. Hume takes note of this altruistic tendency but he gives a scenario that is either inapplicable or he does not filter survivalism from humanity. Utilizing Hobbes’ survivalism, Hume’s generosity when capable, and the Varied Levels of Survivalism, we arrive at a viable theory of human nature and explanation of human behavior.
Works Cited
Hobbes, Thomas. (2001, October 30) "Leviathan" (1651).
Available at: http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/thomas_hobbes/leviathan.html
Hume, David, 1772 (reprinted in 2004) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (New
York, Barnes and Noble)
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Morals are something that everyone has. Hobbes and Korsgaard both have their ideas and theories about morality. Whether those morals are what society says are right or wrong is up to the individual person to decide. Hobbes view is called egoism which says that everyone only acts out of self-interest, and that we cannot have obligations without authority. Korsgaard wants to not just explain those obligations we have to each other, but she also wants to justify them. In this essay I will talk about Hobbes and Korsgaard, and their differing positions on morality.
In Leviathan, Hobbes seems to underestimate the motives of mankind. His pessimistic view of human nature sheds no light on the goods that men do. While human nature may create a sense of personal survival, it does not imply that human nature will lead towards violent behavior. When left to provide for themselves, mankind will work toward a peace that benefits them all. There will always be evil in the world which will disrupt the peace, but in the end the strength of men should triumph.
According to Altruists International (2014), the idea of altruism came from Auguste Comte. This new concept sent the scholars and great thinkers of the time back to the proper examination of major moral and religious ideologies. At this stage, the two major ideologies that were reigning were that of benevolence and self-interest. The concept of altruism gained ground in the 1850s, raising many philosophical and scientific questions. Altruism contains three major ideas. These are the intentions, actions, and the ideology itself. In this regard, altruism takes forms like psychological, behavioral, and ethical. Behavioral altruism refers to consequences that result from actions. These consequences are essentially, the benefits that others derive from the agent acting (A...
Hobbes believed that human beings naturally desire the power to live well and that they will never be satisfied with the power they have without acquiring more power. After this, he believes, there usually succeeds a new desire such as fame and glory, ease and sensual pleasure or admiration from others. He also believed that all people are created equally. That everyone is equally capable of killing each other because although one man may be stronger than another, the weaker may be compensated for by his intellect or some other individual aspect. Hobbes believed that the nature of humanity leads people to seek power. He said that when two or more people want the same thing, they become enemies and attempt to destroy each other. He called this time when men oppose each other war. He said that there were three basic causes for war, competition, distrust and glory. In each of these cases, men use violence to invade their enemies territory either for their personal gain, their safety or for glory. He said that without a common power to unite the people, they would be in a war of every man against every man as long as the will to fight is known. He believed that this state of war was the natural state of human beings and that harmony among human beings is artificial because it is based on an agreement. If a group of people had something in common such as a common interest or a common goal, they would not be at war and united they would be more powerful against those who would seek to destroy them. One thing he noted that was consistent in all men was their interest in self-preservation.